Why Am I Not Losing Weight?
, by Felicia Romero, 4 min reading time
, by Felicia Romero, 4 min reading time
Oh no… here it comes again. “I’m eating less, eating healthier and working out more. I’ve done everything right, but it’s still not working for me. Why am I not losing weight?
I hear it so often that it’s beginning to haunt me in my dreams, LOL. Tons of people who are consistently failing to lose weight despite doing everything right. How can this be? I get this question ALL the time and it is never an easy answer because every BODY is different. But, there are some common mistakes, in my opinion, that may be cause the body to NOT lose weight or feel like nothing is changing.
First off, we should all STOP dieting. I believe that to lose weight, lifestyle changes must be made, but to deprive and drastically reduce calories will only set you up for failure. With years of experience and going through it personally, I now understand my body, listen to it and treat it with the utmost respect and care….which is what I try to teach my clients.
So here are a few cold, hard truths about why you're not losing weight.
Your list of can’t-have foods is so long that you are constantly looking at what you CAN’T have. In fact, you’ve been so strict with yourself, you can’t remember the last time you ate a doughnut, candy bar or slice of pizza.
Then, like so many times before, you give in, scarf down something taboo, and now you’re mad at yourself.
So what the heck, you think: You’ll just eat everything on your forbidden list to get it out of your system. You’ll start your diet over again tomorrow – or next week.
Problem is, you can’t get it out of your system. It just doesn’t work that way. Binge eating starts to take place, which will wreak havoc on the metabolism and body.
So, no more setting yourself up for feeling deprived. In fact, no more dieting. Take the focus away from that list of bad foods and emphasize those that are good for you. If 80% of the time you eat a wholesome diet of ample fruits and vegetables, some whole grains, lean meats or other sources of protein, then the other 20% doesn’t really matter.
Enjoy that glazed doughnut – but just one. If you want another, it will still be there tomorrow. After all, doughnuts or candy bars or pizza or whatever won’t drop off the face of the earth.
You always watch your portions. You start every morning with a healthy breakfast, eat healthy options through the day, but then you have the days you meet friends for dinner, a birthday pops up, vacations or dining out 3-4 nights a week out. This all adds up. The inconsistency of food and overeating begins.
Most of us know how tough it is to stay away from the bread served before dinner or to have an extra slice of birthday cake. Now again, I am not saying NEVER go out to eat or partake in a celebration but if you are always asking yourself why my body is NOT changing, well, consistency is key.
Consistency is key to dropping pounds. Researchers involved with the National Weight Control Registry found that those who eat similarly day after day are more likely to maintain weight loss than others.
Just stop derailing yourself and stay on track; you will get there.
Again, stop dieting and start making small changes you can live with.
Find ways to celebrate that don’t involve high-calorie eating (like a manicure) or take half of that restaurant meal home to celebrate again tomorrow.
The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Fat and muscle tissues consume calories all day long whether you’re running, reading or sleeping. No matter what you’re doing, muscle rips through more calories than fat.
That's why men burn calories a lot faster than women; they have more muscle.
So add some muscle, start weight training and have a plan. Resistance and strength training is necessary for building muscle but also helps you burn more calories through the day. LIFT THOSE WEIGHTS!
Hope these tips helps! Honestly, it is a lifestyle and everyone is different in how they live their lifestyle. I have worked with many people including myself and bottom line there is not magic formula….train HARD and CONSISTENT, EAT right and stay POSITIVE. You will get there!!!
Thanks for reading!
Felicia Romero