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Hi-Health Empower

  • 10 Most-Loved Valentine’s Day Gifts for You

    , by Melissa McGinnis 10 Most-Loved Valentine’s Day Gifts for You

    We've hand-selected some of our most-loved products to provide healthy alternatives and all-natural gifts for Valentine's Day including lotions, cleansers, oil diffusers, and more.

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  • It's sniffle season -- Use these tips to help reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

    , by Hi-Health It's sniffle season -- Use these tips to help reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

    IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN, when seasonal allergies start to kick into play. You know the symptoms; sneezing, watery, itchy eyes and a runny...

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  • Spotlight on Collagen - Why this nutrient is still a reliable anti-aging ally

    , by Hi-Health Spotlight on Collagen - Why this nutrient is still a reliable anti-aging ally

    THESE 7 DAYS, we don’t just want to feel OK. We want to feel absolutely, positively amazing—and look the part, too. Aging gracefully depends on...

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  • What Makes the Mediterranean Diet So Beneficial?: The Breakdown

    , by Hi-Health What Makes the Mediterranean Diet So Beneficial?: The Breakdown

    Food for Thought You are what you eat—it’s a phrase that everyone has heard since childhood. But is it true? In a sense, yes. Our...

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  • The Allergy Survival Guide: 7 Tips to Outsmart Your Allergies

    , by Hi-Health The Allergy Survival Guide: 7 Tips to Outsmart Your Allergies

    Spring is in the air! The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and unfortunately for over 50 million Americans, the pollen is flowing. While...

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  • 5 Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating

    , by Hi-Health 5 Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating

    The holidays can be a tricky time to navigate optimal nutrition. But you don’t have to erase your social calendar or resign yourself to eating...

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  • Ready to Meditate? Here's how to start

    , by Hi-Health Ready to Meditate? Here's how to start

    by Karen ASP Two minutes day can help you relax We know you've thought about meditating, but how do you fit it in your busy...

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  • Safe Ways To Improve Athletic Performance

    , by Hi-Health Safe Ways To Improve Athletic Performance

    By Jack Chalet These nutritional supplements will help promote strength and endurance without acting as stimulants In the media firestorm around athletes using illegal substances...

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  • Electrolytes And Hydration: How To Replenish Electrolytes

    , by Hi-Health Electrolytes And Hydration: How To Replenish Electrolytes

    By Jack Chalet Electrolyte minerals are your body's electricity. Here's how to harness their power for top health. Did you know your body is electric?...

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  • Which Sunscreen Is Best For You?

    , by Hi-Health Which Sunscreen Is Best For You?

    By Jessica Rubino What's your best choice in a sunscreen? We've got you covered. Learn the differences between chemical and mineral sun protection and what...

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  • 5 Immunity Boosting Foods

    , by Hi-Health 5 Immunity Boosting Foods

    Here are 5 foods that you can incorporate into your weekly food planning to take advantage of their benefits.

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  • 3 Ways To Provide Immune Support For Kids

    , by Hi-Health 3 Ways To Provide Immune Support For Kids

    By JENNA BLUMENFELD Before they head back to school, you may want to consider these suggestions to boost immune support for kids Somehow summer tricks...

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