Kiss Your Stress Away + 3 Fun Ways To Boost Your Endorphin Levels
, by Rosanna Thill, 1 min reading time
, by Rosanna Thill, 1 min reading time
A chocolate craving is something that can be induced by stress and is probably governed by body chemistry. Research has shown that after two weeks of daily consumption of dark chocolate, some individuals showed a positive impact on stress-associated metabolism that restored high stress metabolic features (energy, microbial activity and hormonal metabolism) similar to the levels found in less stressed subjects. I did a little further investigation and found that some researchers believe that chocolate may release endorphins, the chemicals that make us feel good. Also, chocolate is a natural analgesic or pain killer. The trick is to only give in a little bit. What is a little bit? A couple of Hershey Kisses will do it! It’s a surprisingly small amount.
In addition to chocolate cravings, here are three fun ways to boost your endorphin levels:
The next time you’re in a funk, try watching something funny, taking a long walk, or eating a little chocolate. Science is still working to prove that these things have a physical effect on our moods, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do informal studies of our own. Now that’s my kind of research.