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Five Workout Habits That You Should Stop

Five Workout Habits That You Should Stop

, by Felicia Romero, 2 min reading time


A lot of people don't see the results they want to see at the gym, because they have BAD WORKOUT HABITS. Like long workouts of only moderate intensity...too much cardio and no strength training...and taking too long between reps. I see this so often and honestly it gets you no where. Look at my top 5 habits below that you should NOT be doing!

  1. Long workouts of moderate intensity. There's a reason they say, "No pain, no gain." You can't improve your fitness without pushing yourself. It's much better to go 20 or 30 minutes at high intensity, than it is to go for an hour at a comfortable pace.
  2. Wasting time between reps. Don't look in the mirror, don't check your phone, don't start conversation with other people. Plan out a certain workout for a certain time period, and get it done.
  3. Too much cardio and no strength training. Some people are all about burning calories, so they just focus on the treadmill. But building muscle is important too. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day.
  4. Hydrating with sports drinks. Most sports drinks have too much sugar. Go with water instead...the extra electrolytes aren't worth all the empty calories.
  5. Doing the same exercises all the time. The more you do something, the more efficient your body gets at doing it. If you run half an hour a day for six months, you'll start burning fewer calories. Try rotating your workouts on a regular basis.

Try the Workout Below

Lower Body Circuit
  1. Walking lunges (holding dumbells)- 20/leg superset with
  2. Plie squats (wide stance- holding one db in between leg)- 20 squats- 3 sets
  3. Step ups- 15/leg- 3 sets
  4. Walking lunges (holding db’s)- 20/leg superset with
  5. Leg curls (35-55lbs)- 15 reps- 3 sets
  6. Jump squats (really push off floor and jump as high as you can)- 15 jumps
  7. Leg extensions (45-65 lbs)- 5 sets of 12 (only 20 sec rest)
  8. Walking lunges- 20/leg (no db’s)




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