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What Do I Do Now?

What Do I Do Now?

, by Cheri Rifkin, 1 min reading time


It’s funny, I spent months preparing and training for the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic. Now that it’s over I should be feeling relieved and ready to enjoy the summer with BBQ’s and ice cream! Of course, my adoring husband says I should now concentrate on him since he has not seen me since February while I was in training!

My finishing time was respectable and the race was awesome but I find myself ruminating about what I could have done differently. Although the pressure is off to charge up the hill climbs and constantly push the pace, I miss the regimen. Our group rides are somewhat more relaxed and we talk about our future training plans. The race will be changing to a Grand Fondo style next year and it will change everything. Basically, everyone will start at the same time and there will not be age or racing categories. Based on this year’s “B” group start, I won’t be in a hurry to do that again. There were numerous close calls and a lot of adrenaline pumping for the first 20 minutes.

I am concentrating on approaching a more balanced workout life this summer. Perhaps hiking with my husband and Alaskan Malamute, riding mountain bikes, going to more of my son’s baseball games, yoga classes or even a leisurely walk on the river trail would be a good change this summer before ski season rolls around again. For now, I won’t beat myself up if I miss a ride or choose going for coffee with a friend over training. A little cross-training and weight/resistance work with added stretching would be a bonus and a nice relief.

Our family vacation just happens to start this Sunday so I am off the bike for at least a week and will enjoy hiking and kayaking through the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Park. Who knows? Maybe we’ll rent some cruiser bikes to ride as a family. Or I could always burn off calories running from a grizzly. Life is full of surprises.

Stay fit and in the game,


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