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Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet

, by Cheri Rifkin, 1 min reading time


It’s time to do something about my food and fitness choices this summer. Sometimes after a big race, it’s tough to get back into the swing of things. The structured workouts are replaced by so many other things. Kids are out of school and schedules have changed. Our vacation was incredible but now I’m home and haven’t done much in the way of working out. Unfortunately, I’m still in the habit of eating whatever I want to since I was in training. For the most part, I’m eating healthy food, just too much of it.

I love the Mediterranean diet or lifestyle. What’s not to like about lean proteins, fresh veggies, nuts, beans, and fruits? One of my favorite summertime meals is fresh mozzarella, ripe heirloom tomatoes, fresh basil, and extra-virgin olive oil. Fats get such a bad rap. Eating good fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, olive and coconut oil helps delay stomach emptying so you feel full longer. It shuts off hunger hormones, boosts antioxidant absorption and revs up your metabolic rate, helping burn more calories.

Okay, I commit to being conscious of what goes into my mouth…again. I need to take a break from sports bars and focus on what is fresh from the market this summer. It actually takes very little time to make a great salad or grill some vegetables and I can always enlist the help of my husband to man the BBQ! It will also help to “just say no” to anything with added sugar. Being proud of my food choice makes me happy. As the saying goes, “If mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy”! It’s a joy to take care of my family when I’m not frustrated or disappointed in myself.

My goal this week is to make wise food choices and continue to do my very best in all aspects of my life. I need another challenge.


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