Maintaining your waistline and avoiding GI Distress During the Holidays
, by Dr. Jeff Pearl, MD, 2 min reading time
, by Dr. Jeff Pearl, MD, 2 min reading time
With the holidays rapidly approaching, comes the over indulgence in both quantity of food eaten and the varied types of food. Traditional holiday fare is rich, fatty, and often spicy. If one is not used to eating this type of food or the large quantities often consumed, it can turn the holiday fun into a trip to the medicine cabinet, the bathroom, or more likely both. The culprits and the solution:
If you are prone to heartburn or dyspepsia, limit fatty foods, alcohol, chocolate, mint, coffee and acidic foods. Don’t eat too close to bedtime and sleep with head of bed slightly elevated (2 pillows). Have some OTC antacids available such as Mylanta or Tums. Antacids neutralize acid and treat symptoms after the fact. Acid production reducers such as Pepcid or Zantac are best used ahead of time, as are natural remedies such as ginger, papaya and ginger ale.
Unfortunately, what goes in must come out. Diarrhea is another common occurrence during the holiday feeding fest. If this occurs, switch to a BRAT diet (banana, rice, toast and plain food) until better. Judicious use of OTC agents such as Pepto Bismol or Imodium can be helpful as well.
Alternatively, constipation may affect many during the holidays. Travel, loss of a normal high fiber diet along with the traditionally fiber poor holiday foods put a person at risk. To avoid constipation take a fiber supplement- Benfiber, Citricel or others and drink plenty of water. Exercise will also help.
Wishing you, and your stomach, a wonderful holiday season!